Rain comes
Sky dark with clouds
Holding water
Release it in sheets
That slant sideways
Onto the street
Out my kitchen
It is to celebrate
This rain
That has not watered
For many months
With so generous
An amount
I watch it
Give thanks for
Then feeling gratitude
For being warm
Being dry
Inside my own
My thoughts flash
To Terrence
Living on the grass
With his possessions
Above Swamis Beach
Whom I meet
One beautiful afternoon
When sprays of white
Appear disappear
Appear again
Far out in the ocean
From the gray whales
On their journey south
To Baja
Where is Terrance now
Where are the homeless
Where can they go
To be warm
Be dry
Be safe
Later in the night
Rain pounds noisily
On the roof
Splashes against the bedroom
My thoughts harbor
The homeless
The children
And I tell myself
If you truly care
Find a way
Fortunate woman
Find a way
To help