Poetry Angel calls to me
Where have you been
I call back
I have been here where I am
I am here
Where have you been
She answers with what
I already know
She says
I have been by you
Inside you
Waiting for you
These are my excuses Angel Friend
Words have flown around my mind
Like fallen leaves in autumn
Blown by the wind
To scatter hither to scatter yon
Escaping from me
An operating table a hospital bed
Food I do not like
Medicine I must take
A rehab center that’s okay
My husband my Love
Visits me eats his dinners with me
My bed sits by two windows
I watch him ride by on his scooter
Going home
We wave to each other
I yearn to go with him
I want to go home
Get up get out of bed
Walk keep walking walk
Physical therapists nudge me nudge me nudge me
They command
Walk walk
You ask Angel Friend
Where have I been
I know what you ask
Where are my words
Where is a poem
A poem
Well now you know
Beautiful. You know I know that struggle well. You and Steve are such an inspiration. Andy and I have talked about getting together with you guys when he comes down next. Hang in there!!!
Lovely poem, Wendy. Very evocative and poignant. <3