Three Poems – Plus One

The Sycamore’s dried leaves

Of burnished gold

Hang expectantly

From their branches

Ready to fall

Onto the waiting



January cold

Wraps itself around

Southern California

From my window

Three plants

Bitten by frost

In the night

Their leaves shriveled


On emaciated stalks

In shocking contrast

Green leaves on the hibiscus

Live     untouched


You live in my heart

Little girl     little boy

Never forgotten


Walking to freedom

From Guatemala

Die in Mexico

At the border

Denied America     forever


Like a flock of songbirds

All colors     all sizes

My children     my grandchildren

Gather around me

A few precious


We eat     we sing     we laugh

Until they fly away


And I am left

To sing their songs


Pain . . .


. . .  you enter uninvited

You disrespect boundaries

You invade sacred spaces

Many questions

Surround you     Pain

Mysteries     too

Pain     you are a creator

Of feelings

I feel you

When I look at a photograph

Of a starving child

Her eyes have become

Too large for her face

Deep sadness leaks

Through the camera’s lens

Into my heart



You cross borders

With no visa

You enter the bodies

Of living beings

You linger

You vanish

You invade our minds


Our thoughts feel

Your presence

Are able to multiply

Your effects

Upon us

Until we learn

To take control

Of your intentions

For thoughts follow you


Down the corridors

Of time


As for me

I welcome you     Pain

You teach me to understand

The pain of others

To know empathy     compassion

To love this world

That lives with so much pain

I can deal with you


Take you for what you


Lessons for my life

Not easy     Pain

Soul work never


photo credit