He and I
Come to knock
On your door
Our monthly visit
To you
To laugh to talk
To enjoy our special
But your daughter Elly
Opens the door
Comes out in the hall
Tears on her face
Says the words
Heart attack
You suffered a heart attack
Are not expected to live
Much longer much longer
Her words slam through me
An electrical bolt jolts
My entire body
Renders me glued to the seat
Of my scooter
I cannot move cannot catch
My breath
Honestly I thought you’d live
Even tho you told me
Told everyone who’d listen
You are ready to go
Ready to go
It is not that I didn’t
Believe you
I know the authentic Joan
Speaks only her truth
But my truth is this
I don’t want to let you
Go let you go
But a soul’s choice
Is not for me to deny
And so I tell you again
I love you Joan
I love you