Prayer for the Nigerian School Girls


Oh   Divine Creator
We call to You
In our prayer
We are One with You
As we are One with
Each other
And thus
Every young Nigerian girl
Taken in the night
Away from her school
And everything familiar
In her world
Oh   Divine Creator
In our Oneness
These beloved young girls
Are our daughters  too
We feel bereft    we grieve
For their families
Their mothers
Who do not know
Where their daughters are
Or how they have been
It is an abyss of terror
They feel
For their beloved girls

Oh  Divine Creator
Mother   Father of us all
Your Love is the greatest Power
In all the Universes
The greatest Power that radiates
In All  through All  as All
Bring this Power   this Love
To comfort them   keep them strong
Wherever they have been taken
And through this Power of Divine Love
Divine Life
We pray without ceasing
With gratitude our prayer
Is heard
That every young Nigerian girl
Be safely returned to her family
And may Your blessed Angels
Be ever their guardians
Lord Michael Himself
To bring them home

Thank you     Thank you    Thank you
And so it is……..Amen

For He has charged His angels

To guard you wherever you go          —Psalm 91.11