The Eclipse Super Blood Moon

 On the driveway 
Of our home
We stand together
Heads back    looking up
Into the black of the 
As the full moon
Allows earth's shadow
To cover the brilliance
Of her light
Slowly   but not truly
Her white light
As tho a blanket
Were being pulled
Over her naked 

You hold my hand
You keep my feet
On the cement
They stand upon
It is a closeness
An intimacy I feel
Under the sky
This gift from the natural
The Universe Itself
Oh   thank you
Thank you
Thank you



It is the dark of night
I lie under my quilt warm
Comfortable secure
Listening as wind
Pushes the rain
Against my window

In the cold wet
Of this night
Where do they go

In the dim light
Of next morning
Out the kitchen window
The asphalt street
Glistens like polished silver
Tops of distant palm trees
Sway side to side
In the wind

In the cold wind
Of this wet day
Where do they go

Three Poems – Plus One

The Sycamore’s dried leaves

Of burnished gold

Hang expectantly

From their branches

Ready to fall

Onto the waiting



January cold

Wraps itself around

Southern California

From my window

Three plants

Bitten by frost

In the night

Their leaves shriveled


On emaciated stalks

In shocking contrast

Green leaves on the hibiscus

Live     untouched


You live in my heart

Little girl     little boy

Never forgotten


Walking to freedom

From Guatemala

Die in Mexico

At the border

Denied America     forever


Like a flock of songbirds

All colors     all sizes

My children     my grandchildren

Gather around me

A few precious


We eat     we sing     we laugh

Until they fly away


And I am left

To sing their songs
