I have lost the magic
In my words
As I’ve lost the moon
The stars are gone
From my portion of sky
I grieve them all
You and I once watched
The sun as it sank
Behind the Jemez Mountains
In New Mexico
Leaving a glorious fire
Of orange of gold
Of deep crimson
That reached into clouds
High above it’s descent
Where is Orion now
Where are the dippers
I search the indigo
Of early evening
Before windows in homes
Across El Camino Real
Reflect lamplight from inside them
So many streetlights
So many lit windows
My portion of sky
Is no longer mine
My words feel as tho
They’ve escaped into a
Starless sky
In a starless night
*photo credit
Oh Wendy. A slump. No stars. No magic in the air. Each time it goes I’m sure it’s gone forever. But then it comes agAin & I can go on. Fall is a time of dying leaves. Leaves die to be replaced by new green shoots. Your own green shoots are in uterine now. When the time is right they’ll test the air & push their tendrils out into the world agAin. Enjoy this quiet uneventf time. Love, sari