I remember well
The beautiful young man
Standing in the front room
Of the Rodgers Park Jewish
Community Center
One June morning in
I have come there
To be a counselor
In the Center’s summer day camp
A job I’m not overly excited
About taking
Only here because a college friend
Tells me there’s an opening for a
Girl counselor and there isn’t any
Other summer jobs I know of
To apply for
Oh yes
I walk in and there he is
Standing right smack in front
Of me
I look up into a pair of very
Blue eyes
In a face smiling down at me
With beautiful white even teeth
He wears a white tee shirt
The sleeves rolled up once
His arms tanned and not bulging
With muscles just right
I don’t remember anything else of that
Day our first meeting
Except that first day unbeknownst
To me is the blessed first day of
Sixty-two wonderful years sixty of them
In marriage
Thank you God thank you Stephen
And you beloved family
Beloved friends
For blessing us honoring us
By coming to be with us
As we celebrate our marriage
Of sixty blessed years
Thank you Thank you Thank you