What Did You Say?








What did you say?

I cannot hear you


Turn the volume up

On the TV

Cannot hear what anyone is saying


Never mind commercials


It is called

Sudden Hearing Loss

Suddenly my left ear

Was like


Far off sounds

Filtered through

Crazy     weird


But the hearing


Did not lie


There was     indeed

Sudden Hearing Loss

In my left ear


Well     okay

Things could be a lot

Worse    a lot


photo credit









Grandmother is old, she is frail

I am one-hundred years

She says, though only ninety-seven

Her fingers trace patterns on the lap robe

And she watches as they move

To the right, to the left

I am nervous, she says

I am nervous

Then her hands lie open

On her thighs

Palms touching the blue wool

She lifts them up, then down

Slowly, again and again

I sit in a chair

Close to the one that enfolds her

Cover her hands with mind

And feel the flutter of her nerves

Like a thousand butterflies

That struggle for release

From their cocoons










*Written 1982, from 2001’s Poet’s are the bravest.

Energy … near 90








My friend Katie

Somewhere in her late


Warned me this

You’ll lose your


Not me

I silently replied

Katie was right

My energy is


Like air from a


With a tiny pin prick


Slowly     slowly

Over the years

Hardly noticeable until

It is noticed

Felt in the body

Matter over mind

And do not look


On what an energized


That puts mind over


Was able to do

And did


It now becomes



This is where I am


Who I am

Still me

Only slowed

Things to accomplish

As always

Get accomplished

The finishing     perhaps

Coming with vermilion


The sun leaves behind

Going wherever it goes

Done for this day

As I also

Am done for this


Life as a River

I think of Life as a river

That begins from its source

Somewhere unknown to me

Flowing around me     flowing over

Any obstacle that lies in its


A large boulder     fallen timber

Always moving to follow its


With twists     with turns

Changing     as landscape it flows past


To widen     to narrow

Continuing the journey

Until it joins another river

Or flows on its own

To the sea



From My Window …

… I see     I feel

Morning sun

Touching the life of the

Sycamore’s new leaves

A hyacinth not yet in


From my window

I see other windows

On a hill across

The Riparian Way

Like tiny lighthouses

They shine beacons of light

To me

As night closes day


From my window

I hear sirens on El Camino Real

Their sound grows fainter

As they move farther away

Then one abruptly stops

Called here

To the community

Where I live


From my window

I send a prayer


Too often

Someone I know

Someone I don’t know

Passes away

Death is no stranger here

But life is far more familiar

I feel the void

When faces go missing

I never get used to it

Life lives with death

Two parts of the whole


Every fall

From my window

I watch the sycamore’s leaves

Dry out

Their color green changing into

Old gold

Falling to the ground

In graceful slow motion

Then welcoming her new leaves

Every spring


The sun rises

Over the distant hill

Goes down over the distant


Moon rises

Over the distant hill

Sets in her own time

Over the distant ocean

It is an orderly Universe

I closely observe

Closely observe


From my window

The New Year

My years are like my days

Passing quickly      so quickly

The four little children

I escorted through childhood

With devoted love

With hope for wisdom

Are now in their fifties

When I think of this

I am grateful for them


And amazed


This past year is now

The new year

I feel deep relief

Welcome New Year

You began with rain

Serious rain

On our drought laden


And I made this vow

No resolution      a vow

My attention      my energies

Will reside with what is


What is kind

With love for All That Is

No exceptions

And forgiveness

For what the old year


For what the New Year

May bring

–January 2017





Mourning dove     I hear you calling

You call     you call     call again

But no utterance of sound     of words

From me in answer to you

Could fill the silence of your solitude


An unseen woodpecker

Sends a rapid staccato

Of tap tap tapping

From some nearby tree

My ears try to direct

My eyes

To discover its location

I listen     look listen look

Finally give up my anticipation

That ends in disappointment

Pure frustration


My children’s childhood

Rebounds in remembering

Snippets of scenes

Tho the sound of their childhood


Have faded

Like shadows from a forgotten



I imagine myriad

Sounds    voices

That enter the portal of my


Year unto year

Some leave     many remain

Becoming part of me

Of who I am

But if I have a choice

I will carry into forever

The sound I love most

Your voice     your voice


*photo credit

All Love for My Hero



I remember well

The beautiful young man

Standing in the front room

Of the Rodgers Park Jewish

Community Center

One June morning in


I have come there

To be a counselor

In the Center’s summer day camp

A job I’m not overly excited

About taking

Only here because a college friend

Tells me there’s an opening for a

Girl counselor     and there isn’t any

Other summer jobs I know of

To apply for

Oh yes

I walk in and there he is

Standing right smack in front

Of me

I look up into a pair of very

Blue eyes

In a face smiling down at me

With beautiful     white     even teeth

He wears a white tee shirt

The sleeves rolled up once

His arms tanned     and not bulging

With muscles     just right

I don’t remember anything else of that

Day     our first meeting

Except that first day unbeknownst

To me     is the blessed first day of

Sixty-two wonderful years     sixty of them

In marriage


Thank you God     thank you Stephen

And you beloved family

Beloved friends

For blessing us     honoring us

By coming to be with us

As we celebrate our marriage

Of sixty blessed years


Thank you     Thank you     Thank you


Pain . . .


. . .  you enter uninvited

You disrespect boundaries

You invade sacred spaces

Many questions

Surround you     Pain

Mysteries     too

Pain     you are a creator

Of feelings

I feel you

When I look at a photograph

Of a starving child

Her eyes have become

Too large for her face

Deep sadness leaks

Through the camera’s lens

Into my heart



You cross borders

With no visa

You enter the bodies

Of living beings

You linger

You vanish

You invade our minds


Our thoughts feel

Your presence

Are able to multiply

Your effects

Upon us

Until we learn

To take control

Of your intentions

For thoughts follow you


Down the corridors

Of time


As for me

I welcome you     Pain

You teach me to understand

The pain of others

To know empathy     compassion

To love this world

That lives with so much pain

I can deal with you


Take you for what you


Lessons for my life

Not easy     Pain

Soul work never


photo credit