
Midnight for me is

Mysterious     unattainable

For Mother has me in bed

By eight o’clock     always

Eight o’clock

Hard as I try

When my eyes open again

Morning shines into my


I want to know     midnight

What it feels like

Who is there     what do they do

In midnight


I would like to see

Winged horses

White like Pegasus

Unicorns     dancing bears

I want animals that speak

My language

To have conversation

Be friends

Colors swirling around us

Rainbows     even angels

With halos     with wings

Oh     will I never know

Will I ever know

What it feels like

To be awake in



Years pass

My beloveds sleep

In their beds

Here I am

Notebook open     pen in


It is quiet     so quiet

My sanctuary of peace

And the clock strikes


—February 7, 2017


The New Year

My years are like my days

Passing quickly      so quickly

The four little children

I escorted through childhood

With devoted love

With hope for wisdom

Are now in their fifties

When I think of this

I am grateful for them


And amazed


This past year is now

The new year

I feel deep relief

Welcome New Year

You began with rain

Serious rain

On our drought laden


And I made this vow

No resolution      a vow

My attention      my energies

Will reside with what is


What is kind

With love for All That Is

No exceptions

And forgiveness

For what the old year


For what the New Year

May bring

–January 2017