Love is the Answer

” The Light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not.”  —The Bible–ASV:  John 1:5
I made an intent
To myself
It came from Spirit
From my soul
I do not watch
The news
Do not hear
Do not see
Rained upon
Blood spilled from
Who have done no harm
To anyone
But an email
Creeps onto my screen
I read it before
Realizing its contents
My bewilderment turns to
Bleeds through my
Into the core of my


From where I am
I no longer ask
Why     Why
Does it keep happening
I no longer
How a human being
Can inflict harm
Take life
From a fellow being
Even a child


I have no answers
Never did
I have no power
To stop these acts
But in faith
I ask
Can you love
Deep enough     strongly
To send your love
To everyone     everywhere
In our world
No matter who they
Can we try
Can you     can I


“Love is the answer
To every question” *
Love     Love     Loving
For me
Our Path to Peace
*"A course in Miracles"
photo credit

2 thoughts on “Love is the Answer

  • February 25, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    Yes Wendy. LOVE is always the answer. One person, one hour, one day at a time. Love is the only answer. And if enough people see your words & add theirs, it will ring out around the world. And one day the response will only be to LOVE. And your words, your kind heart will have been part of that.

  • March 1, 2015 at 5:21 am

    What a lovely poem and how true.
    We are capable of so much more than we realize. One day it must come to pass that love will prevail but until then those of us who can will continue to live this troubled world.


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